- Who gives Salvation! -
- Whose kingdom is an everlasting kidngdom.
- Who delivered his servant David from the hurtful sword.
- Who makes a way in the sea and a path in the mighty waters,
- May HE bless, guard and protect the Government of the United States of America.
- May The Almighty in HIS Mercy Preserve and Protect it so that it may prosper in all its undertakings for the benefit of our Noble Country.
- May HE inspire our Government with Tenderness to Act kindly towards us and all Israel.
- May The Almighty bless the State of Israel,
- May it flourish and progress, and it become once again the Home of the Jewish People and
- May peace come to the Holy Land!
- May we feel God's Mercy and blessings for our own community, for old and young alike.
- May The Almighty protect them from illness, wan , and sorrow.
- May HE give inspiration to the men and women who lead this congregation.
U'vchein yehi Rozaun, we naumar Omein!